Crypto Terminology – What are HODL and FUD?

The term HODL is based on a 2013 Bitcoin forum entry in which an intoxicated user misspelled many words in justifying his decision to HODL (HOLD) his Bitcoin as prices continued to decline.

He wrote: “You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob. In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell.”

Ignoring large volatility and simply “HODLING” has been a very profitable strategy for early cryptocurrency investors.

For particularly challenging market conditions, HODL is sometimes used to mean HOLD ON for DEAR LIFE.  

FUD stands for FEAR, UNCERTAINTY, DOUBT and is a term Crypto Enthusiasts use to dismiss most criticism “non-believers” bring forward against cryptocurrencies, e.g. that


– are a ponzi scheme
– do not have any value
– are primarily used by organized crime
– will be banned by Governments, and
– are prone to hacker attacks.

FUD, now frequently used as a Crypto term, is originally known as a sales technique. By spreading questionable information about lesser known products, an established company can discourage potential customers from choosing those products over its own, regardless of the true product characteristics. Crypto enthusiasts accuse established organizations that are critical of Crypto (e.g. many banks, regulators, and central banks) of spreading FUD about Crypto in an effort to promote products they are associated with and which themselves exhibit questionable characteristics (e.g. inflation, low interest payments, high fees for remittances).